CV van Henk Jan Verhagen
Retired Associate professor in Hydraulic Engineering
Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
- Name:
- Verhagen, Hendrik Jan
- Date of birth:
- 12 March 1952
- Nationality:
- Dutch
- Education:
- Diploma civil engineering (M.Sc. in coastal engineering) Delft University of Technology in 1978.
- Additional courses:
- Company courses of the Boskalis-Westminster Dredging company; Postgraduate studies in bed-protection, dike building technology and expert systems; Internal courses from the Ministry of Public Works in teaching technical matters, presentation techniques, general and strategic management and giving interviews and press releases.
- Main discipline:
- Coastal engineering, coastal structures, coastal zone management
- Present position:
- Retired as Associated professor in hydraulic engineering at the Delft University of Technology, Department of Hydraulic and Geotechnical Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands, now acting as independent consultant
- Specialization:
- - Coastal protection works
- Closure works and bed protection
- Coastal policy problems
- Policy analysis techniques - Command of languages:
- Good: Dutch (mother tongue), English
Moderate: German
Working knowledge: French - Professional affiliations
- Chairman on PIANC working
group on cooperation between PIANC and Universities
Retired member of working group "Technology" of the Technical Expertise Network Waterdefences (ENW) of the Dutch ministry of Infrastructure.
Member of the Commission on the Environmental Impact Assessments of the Netherlands Government.
Employment Record
2018 to date: Retired from TU Delft, independent consultant.2000 – 2017: Associate professor in Hydraulic Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
1991 - 2000: Associate professor in Coastal Engineering, International Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (IHE), Delft, The Netherlands.
1989 1991: Head hydraulic engineering consultancy department, Ministry of Public Works, Civil engineering division, Delft.
1987 1988: Co-ordinator of TAW-research, Ministry of Public Works, Civil engineering division, Delft.
1985 1987: Head subdepartment Coast and Shoreline-protection in SW-Netherlands, Ministry of Public Works, Tidal Water Division, Middelburg and The Hague.
1983 1985: Project-leader in coastal hydraulics, Ministry of Public Works, Consultancy office in Vlissingen.
1982 1983: Senior engineer, Hydronamic bv, Sliedrecht.
1978 1982: Project engineer, Hydronamic bv, Sliedrecht.
1974 1978: Student assistant in theoretical mechanics, Delft University of Technology.
1972 1973: Military service
Professional Experience Record
Delft University of Technology
As Associate Professor in Hydraulic Engineering in charge of the subjects "Bank, Bed and Shoreline protection", "Breakwaters and Closure works", "Fieldwork Hydraulic Engineering" and "Integrated Coastal Zone Management". Supervision and guiding M.Sc. and Ph.D.-students in their assignments and (experimental) research work in coastal protection works, revetments and breakwaters. Courses in the framework of the permanent education programme of Delft University. Research related the topic of coastal structures.Selection of projects.
- Teaching assignments in Indonesia and Vietnam for the local Ministries of Public Works, focusing on the development of coastal engineering.
- Teaching assignments in Vietnam, Bangladesh, Colombia, South Africa, Argentina and other countries in the framework of cooperation with universities in those countries.
- Development of a Coastal Engineering curriculum for the Hanoi Water Resources University, including training of staff.
- Some expert opinion/supervision.
- Member of the review team of HR Wallingford to evaluate the Closure of the Seamangeum estuary in Korea
- Advice to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds regarding the Environmental Statement for the Bayside Container Terminal, Harwich, UK
- Advice to the Port of London Authority regarding the Environmental Statement for the London Gateway Container Terminal Projects (focus on sedimentation processes).
- Advice to the Government of Belgium on the improvement of dikes along the Scheldt river; advise regarding the EIA-statement on the container terminal at Vlissingen.
- On request of the Netherlands Ministry of Public Works production of a coastal protection manual for the coast of Tamil Nadu (India).
- Review of a computer package developed for Lifecycle analysis of coastal protection works.
- Development in the framework of Delft Cluster a Knowledge Information System for the Hydraulic Engineering Community.
- In cooperation with the Ministry of Public Works and IHE-Delft the development of the computer package Cress for design of coastal and river engineering structures.
IHE Delft
As Associate Professor in Coastal Engineering in charge of the branch "Coastal, Estuarine and Port engineering" of the International Course in Hydraulic engineering. Teaching assignments:- Coastal Engineering;
- Coastal Zone Management;
- Design of Revetments, Dikes and Closure Dams; and
- Coastline Management.
Supervising the M.Sc. work in Coastal, Estuarine and Port engineering.
Selection of projects.
- Teaching assignments in Indonesia, Colombia and Malaysia for the Ministry of Public Works, focusing on the development of coastal engineering groupwork, as well as teaching courses in Coastal Zone Management. Special courses in CZM for various groups, given in the Netherlands (e.g. from Taiwan, Venezuela, etc.). Refresher courses in Brazil and the Philippines.
- Providing advisory services to the design of a closure dam near Batam-island, Indonesia, as part of a container port under construction. On behalf of the Dutch Government supervision of a study, conducted by a consultant on new coastal protection methods in S.W.-Netherlands.
- Giving an expert-opinion on various coastal projects in the Netherlands on request of the Dutch ministry of Public Works (Long Groyne project Eijerland, perched beaches in Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen).
- Providing advisory services to UNDP regarding the capacity building for institutional improvements in Central Asia in order to ameliorate the situation regarding the Aral Sea.
Ministry of Public Works - Civil Engineering Division
Head of a department for the internal consultancy in the ministry of public works, to consult in the field of hydraulic structures. Special attention to the integration of disciplines and the co-operation of several governmental agencies. Development of probabilistic design methods and risk analysis in the field of hydraulic engineering. The development of environmentally friendly shoreline protection methods.Selection of projects:
- Harlingen: Assessment of safety of the dike through the build-up area of the town of Harlingen.
- Dike-circles: Development and application of a method to determine the required dike-height along tidal rivers, using probabilistic techniques.
- Coastline: Determination of a formalized method to determine the present and future coastline.
- Law on Seadefence: Development of several methods required for the implementation of the Law on Seadefence and the National Coastal Policy in the Netherlands.
Ministry of Public Works - Civil Engineering Division
As TAW-coordinator in charge of the research (approx. 6 million guilders/year) commissioned by the Technical Advisory Committee on Waterdefences (TAW) for research on flood-defence, dikes, etc.Responsible for the development of a short term and long term research policy of TAW and for the documentation and distribution of research results. Coordinate of the production of guidelines and manuals, and keep in touch with the final users of these products (waterboards, coastal managers, etc).
Ministry of Public Works - Tidal Waters Division
Head of a subdepartment in charge of all internal consultancy in the ministry of Public Works in the field of coastal works in SW-Netherlands (design of dikes, shoreline and bed protection, environmental friendly shorelines, closure works). The subdepartment employs both civil engineers and ecologists. Giving support in the field of policy analysis to various decision making authorities (national level, provinces, municipalities and waterboards). Technical support and knowledge transfer to other authorities.Selection of projects:
- Seadefence-consultancy: Participate in working groups representing Waterboards, Provinces and National Government to decide upon the technical aspects of the improvement of all closure dams, seadikes and dunes in the province of Zeeland to a safety-standard required by law (seadefences in Zeeland have to with-stand a 1:4000 years storm). Execution of the required computations and policy analysis.
- National coastal policy: Preparation of the National Policy-memorandum "Coastal Defence after 1990". Execution of the underlying calculation and writing several Technical Reports.
- Nature and shorelines: Research on erosion control measures in the newly created lakes. A number of techniques have been developed to control erosion without using asphalt or pitched stones. In this way the ecologically valuable interaction between water and land could remain. The executed projects in Lake Grevelingen and Lake Veere were fully analyzed and evaluated.
- Development of techniques: Making operational of a database with information on shorelines of the whole province. Centuries old sounding data are now available through this on-line system, enabling both managers and researchers to analyze all developments in the highly dynamic shorelines of Zeeland. The system is coupled to an Artificial Intelligence System to monitor the safety of the shorelines. Digital Image Processing methods to evaluate morphodynamic changes in the area.
- Zwin-estuary: Integrated study to the hydraulic, morphologic and biologic dynamics of a natural reserve on the border between Belgium and The Netherlands. Development of a management plan for this area, and especially for the unstable tidal inlet.
- Manuals: The subdepartment was responsible for the production for a Dutch and an English version of the Manual on Artificial Beach Nourishment.
Ministry of Public Works - Water Movement Division
Leading projects to determine the boundary values of seadefence structures, perform prototype measurements; supervising model research for various projects.Selection of projects:
- Oosterschelde dikes: Supervising a research project on concentrated wave-attack on existing dikes using a 1:1 model with 1.85 m waves on slope protection (pitched stones and concrete blocks). Calibration with field tests in situ. Development and application of a probabilistic model to calculate the probability of failure of all existing slopes along the Oosterschelde estuary.
- Dunes as seadefence: Development of the guidelines for the assessment of safety of coastal dunes. Development of a coastal database on the computer of the consultancy department. Supervision on the implementation and execution of the calculations. Regional information dissemination on dune erosion programs.
The execution of coastal engineering projects for various clients all over the world. Set-up of the numerical department of Hydronamic. Development and application of a number of mathematical models, like one- and two-dimensional flow and sediment transport models and a wave penetration model.Selection of projects:
- Wind-energy: Investigation of the possibilities of use of wind-energy on the Dutch continental shelf.
- Luanika Waterway, Zambia: Field investigation of possible improvements of small navigation canals in the area of the upper Zambezi.
- Zeebrugge, Belgium
- Morphological computations for the coastline east of Zeebrugge. The effect of port construction on the stability of the coastline and tidal channels. Determination of the width of the access-channel using prototype measurements and mathematical simulation models.
- Mackenzie river, Canada: Development of one- and two-dimensional mathematical models of island area in the Mackenzie-river; calculation of the effect of a break-up of ice-jams in the river, determination of damage to the installation on the islands by such a break-up. Assisting the client in the hearing on the Environmental Impact Assessment
- Lisbon, Portugal: Studies for various clients of the Tagus estuary hydro-morphology, wave-penetration calculations, two-dimensional flow models, several siltation models. Execution of a salt-penetration study. A number of minor studies to dredge disposal areas and shoreline protection.
- Labrador, Canada: Development and application of a mathematical model for the penetration of various types of icebergs into the slope of artificial islands. These slopes may be reinforced by artificial freezing
- Porto, Portugal: Development and application of a stochastic morphological model in the mouth of the Douro-river for probabilistic prediction of multi-year changes in the river mouth.
- Cap Lopez, Gabon: Morphological analysis of an eroding coast near a submarine canyon, endangering vital oil-transport pipelines.
Delft University
As student-assistant in charge of implementation of an automated study system in general mechanics for all undergraduate civil engineering students in Delft. Mainly involved in the educational and operational aspects of the system.Other business
Several short courses on coastal protection and coastal morphology attached to professional conferences.Teacher for the COWA-course (internal course for the ministry of public works) for the education of area-managers of the ministry.
Teacher for several national and international post-doctoral courses (Dike design, Bottom protection, coastal morphology, safety calculations of dunes, Coastal Zone Management for Chinese engineers, Artificial Beach Nourishment in Eastern Europe; organized by the national agency for post-doctoral courses (PATO), by Comett and by the Ministry of Public Works), the organization of special courses for Dutch coastal managers to teach them the developments in the Dutch coastal policy and the technical aspects. Development of a course in coastal engineering for technicians of the ministry of public works, provinces and waterboards.
The supervision on behalf of the Government of Nicaragua of a study for coastal defence in the area of Corinto. The study was executed by Delft Hydraulics and Aveco.
Editor of a special volume on the Coastlines of the Southern North Sea, published as part of the proceedings of the CZ'91 conference.